Elizabeth Esther

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The Vow of Chill

Img_3256I avoid busyness. Busyness clutters my soul with worry, anxiety and hurry.

This summer we've taken the Vow of Chill.

We're not rushing around. We're not involved in any organized activities.

We're just keeping the schedule open for spontaneity, for napping, for reading, for swimming and for chilling.

On the 4th we kept our Vow of Chill by staying home, playing in the little blow-up pool, having a few friends over for BBQ and walking across the street to watch fireworks.

Simple, good, wholesome fun. The kids love it. And so do I. Here's Judah (one of our friends' sons, on the left) and Jude being silly after playing in the pool.

Fun stuff. Good days. <sigh> I love summer!