Elizabeth Esther

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James Is Seven.

Img_6208It's been a big year for you, James.

You've proved that you're up to the rigors of GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) First Grade. It's been challenging for you to knuckle down and work hard academically. But last week, your teacher sent home a card stating that you've improved dramatically in every area! I was happiest to see that you're polite and helpful to others.

You've had to contend with playground bullies.  We told you sometimes you have to fight back. You took it to another level and befriended the bully. Now he's coming to your birthday party. Wow. I don't even know if I'm that generous!Img_4919

Your curiosity for life, adventure and knowledge is delightful. You've mastered Lego Star Wars, tetherball, and handball. I was worried that you had ADD, but really, you're just B-O-Y.

You play soccer, sing in the choir and surprise me with unexpected hugs. You also like to proclaim all my secrets to the world!

I pray for you, son. More than anything else, I want you to have a heart that fears the Lord, an obedient spirit and courage to stand up for your faith.

You and me? We like to talk. A lot. But we also need to listen. You're getting better at this. Keep it up.

Happy Birthday, James. And remember, it's great to be smart. It's better to be wise.

The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov. 1:7Img_4741_1_2