Elizabeth Esther

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My swim suit photo shoot. Because I WILL get in the pool with my kids this summer! #LoveYourMommyBody #GetInThePoolMom

It's that time. Swimsuit season.

And every summer my kids beg. Plead. Cajole.

"Mommy! Pleeeeeease! Please come swim with us!"

Every summer I have a "Good Reason" why I can't. Or won't. Or will not.

Usually it comes down to this: I don't want to put on a swimsuit.

Because I've seen the magazine pictures and I don't look anything like that. And I've been schooled in all the modesty swimming rules. And you know what? All of that kept me out of the water, away from having fun.

I've been robbed!

So, I've decided to love the way I look!

This summer? Things gonna be different.

#1. I'm going to love my Mommy Body. Oh, look! This is me singing "I loooove my Mommy body!!!!"

#2. I'm going to put on the swimsuit. I WILL take these pictures and I won't retouch them, airbrush them or CLIP MYSELF OUT of our family summer photos. Instead, I will celebrate the real me!

#3. No tan. No makeup. Just me unashamed. Unapologetic. Having fun and loving life! Because my kids deserve that!

#4. My kids don't care what I look like, they just want me to GET.IN.THE.POOL. Well, OK then!

#5. It's time, Mommy. Put on the suit. Get in the pool.

LOVE YOUR MOMMY BODY. #LoveYourMommyBody #GetInThePoolMom

OK, Mommies. If I can get in my swimsuit with no makeup, no tan and yeah, NO DIETING before this spontaneous photo shoot (and then post the pics on my blog!)--YOU can at least get in the pool with your kids this summer!

Who's with me?? Go blog it! Tweet it! Let's #LoveYourMommyBody!