Elizabeth Esther

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10 Anti-Racism Resources for white people who want to unlearn their racism

The news this past week reminds me that racism is not accidental; it is intentional, calculated and conditioned. Amy Cooper knew exactly what to say to leverage a racist system against the black man who dared to correct her. The police knew exactly how to brutally murder a man by pinning a knee on George Floyd’s neck.

These behaviors are the continuation of hundreds of years of racist violence against black people in this country. The black people I learn from have pointed out that white people should not be shocked. As Ta-Nehisi Coates said: “It’s the cameras that are new, not the violence.” This country was built upon violence against black people. It’s a history that is still happening. To remain silent is to be complicit.

I know I have so much to learn. I can start by saying that what happened to George Floyd was wrong. I can start by saying I see myself in Amy Cooper and I see the work I need to do to hold myself accountable for similarly racist attitudes. I can start by saying George Floyd was a precious child of God and the violence done against him was violence against the image of God itself. I can start by saying I see what is happening and I won’t look away.

Here's a list of resources I've found helpful in my own education:

1. 75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice

2. White Homework by Tori Williams Douglass

3. The Next Question, created by Austin Channing Brown

4. One: Unity in a Divided World by Deidra Riggs

5. I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made For Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown

6. Between The World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

7. How To Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi

8. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

9. Good Ancestor podcast

10. Uncivil podcast

Please feel free to share additional resources in the comments. Let’s all commit to learning from black people and doing our part to help change the racist systems that are so prevalent in this country.